Super-Samuel (gases)

(que cuando le conozcas le cogerás cariño) 
Puede que esta ilustración de pie a la creación de más super héroes, o no. 

Personaje presentado a un concurso, con una historia creada por Lain de Macias:

Samuel-Gases tiene la habilidad de explotar y crear una onda expansiva que aturde a las personas un breve instante y les hace olvidar la última hora vivida: les rebobina la memoria una hora, ayudando a los débiles a escapar de los delincuentes y villanos. Cuando explota pierde dos kilos de coraza que se regeneran durante el día. Esa coraza realmente no hace daño, sólo aturde, pero normalmente la ofrece a personas necesitadas para que la vendan como chatarra y saquen unos eurillos. Es tan bueno... Samuel-Gases tiene una habilidad asombrosa para relacionarse con la gente por su tierna imagen bonachona y por su capacidad de tener siempre “fuego”, y esto, encanta a los fumadores.

Samuel was small when he was born, like a ball of coconut. His mother was stroking his round tummy because he suffered gases. It was a happy child, he blinked and smiled constantly until he came into contact with society. His childhood in school was marked by humiliation by their peers who taunted him because of his flatulence. One day, cornered in the bathroom, being bullied four students smug, he closed his eyes and pressed his belly burst into a thousand pieces, leaving their oppressors unconscious. To everyone's amazement Samuel remained intact, without a scratch. He had discovered an incredible ability of defense. During its growth Samuel was growing a small plug in the head and his body was hardened as the years passed.

Samuel should be cautious when passing near curtains and flammable objects because the wick of your head always stays on. Sometimes he smells too much metal. He should be smeared with magic cotton to polish his body and he should be careful about gas leaks indoors, otherwise it's a cute superhero.

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